Sasaoka Rio entered the teaching profession with dreams and hopes cherished in her heart. In her second year as a high school teacher, Rio's days were so stressful that she considered quitting her job. Still, when Rio vents her complaints on a secret social media account, both venting her anger and being listened to by a gentle boyfriend, she maintains a balance between her natural energy and freshness. The story unfolds when a third-year class suddenly lacks a homeroom teacher, so Rio is assigned to this position for the first time.
Sasaoka Rio entered the teaching profession with dreams and hopes cherished in her heart. In her second year as a high school teacher, Rio's days were so stressful that she considered quitting her job. Still, when Rio vents her complaints on a secret social media account, both venting her anger and being listened to by a gentle boyfriend, she maintains a balance between her natural energy and freshness. The story unfolds when a third-year class suddenly lacks a homeroom teacher, so Rio is assigned to this position for the first time.